Level IV Certificate in Advanced Bookkeeping and Accounts
Course Code L4CI
Click here to download the full syllabus
The Level IV Certificate in Advanced Bookkeeping and Accounts covers the production of a set of accounts from incomplete records, advanced partnership accounts and the preparation and interpretation of internal management accounts for incorporated bodies.
Limits of the qualification
Where reference is made in the syllabus to preparing final accounts for incorporated businesses, this qualification covers the production of internal management accounts only. Those who wish to prepare sets of accounts for directors’ signatures under Financial Reporting Standards (both UK and International) should successfully compete this qualification and then take the Level IV Unit in Financial Reporting.
Occupational Role: self-employed bookkeeper / senior employed bookkeeper
On completion of this qualification candidates will be able to carry out the role of an employed or self-employed bookkeeper, producing draft year-end accounts for limited companies and limited liability partnerships in both a manual and a computerised system within the above limitations.
Prior Knowledge
Before commencing the study at this level the candidate should have achieved ICB Level III Certificate in Bookkeeping and Accounts or its equivalent with another awarding body.
Level of Membership
Successful achievement at the full qualification will lead to the offer to upgrade to Member of ICB and the award of the designatory letters MICB.
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