Level II Certificate in Bookkeeping
Course Code L2CI
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The Level II Certificate in Bookkeeping covers the basic principles of single and double entry bookkeeping and its application to business in both a manual and a computerised system.
Occupational Role: Assistant Bookkeeper
Upon completion of this qualification candidates will be able to carry out the role of an employed assistant bookkeeper under supervision. They should be able to apply postings from the books of prime entry and from source documents to the ledger accounts and produce an initial trial balance. They will also be able to set up a computerised bookkeeping system, enter details of all transactions and produce reports.
Pre requisites
No prior bookkeeping knowledge is assumed at this level but candidates must have basic numerical skills.
Level of Membership
Successful achievement at the full qualification will lead to the offer to upgrade to Affiliate Member of ICB and the award of the designatory letters AfICB.
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