Bankruptcy, arrangements with creditors, or criminal convictions may affect your eligibility to become a member of ICB. Persons applying for either student registration or membership must make a full declaration.
ICB is duty-bound to ensure that its members maintain the highest professional standards. ICB therefore needs to accurately assess the suitability of persons applying for membership in order to uphold the integrity of the bookkeeping and accountancy professions generally and ICB in particular.
Persons applying for either student registration or membership who either are, or have been made bankrupt, have entered into other arrangements with creditors or have criminal convictions, must make a full and comprehensive declaration at the point of application.
The above do not necessarily constitute a refusal of membership. ICB endeavours to reach a fair and just decision on every person’s eligibility for membership and each case will be taken into consideration independently.
Please read the following information carefully and ensure that all the requested information is provided as part of your application. Failure to provide the required information may lead to your application being refused.
If you have been declared bankrupt you will not be eligible for membership until such time as you have been discharged and are able to produce a discharge notice. Please submit the following information:
1. Date you were declared bankrupt
2. Date your bankruptcy was discharged
3. Full details and reasons for the bankruptcy
A step by step account of how the debt was incurred, details of the amounts owed, and to which creditors. A full explanation is required to illustrate to ICB that you have acknowledged the reasons behind your bankruptcy and what action you have taken or are now intending to take to ensure your finances do not become problematic in the future.
4. The total amount of debt
5. A copy of the bankruptcy order and discharge notice
6. Any further information you feel would assist ICB in its decision process
Arrangements with creditors (IVA) or for debt relief
1. Date of arrangement(s)
2. Date of end of arrangement(s)
3. Full details of the arrangement
A step by step account of how the debt was incurred, details of the amounts owed, and to which creditors. A full explanation is required to illustrate to ICB that you have acknowledged the reasons which caused the requirement of an arrangement(s). Details of the payment plan (if still in being) or confirmation that the payment plan was achieved. Any action you have taken or are now intending to take to ensure your financial arrangements do not become problematic again.
4. The total amount of debt
5. Any further information you feel would assist ICB in its decision process
Please detail any or all convictions
1. Date of your conviction
2. Name of the Court in which you were convicted
3. Details of your conviction
4. Full details of the conviction (a step by step account of what led to the conviction and what sentence and/or fine you received)
5. A copy of the Certificate of Conviction
6. Any further information you feel would assist ICB in its decision process
If you wish to have a confidential conversation about your application please speak to the Manager of the Membership Department. However, please note that the final decision will be made by the Admissions Panel and only once all documentation has been received.