Join your fellow ICB Members and Students for the sumptuous 2014 Members Dinner
This year’s Bookkeepers summit concludes with an informal social for ICB members and students.
Perfectly timed to ensure that you can miss the worst of London's rush hour, the Members Dinner starts at 6.00pm at the conference venue and is a great way to wind down with fantastic food and wine with your fellow members, exhibitors and ICB team after a great day.
The dinner is a fun and informal occasion with the prestigious member’s dinner quiz trophy up for grabs. A hotly contested prize that will test your wits and knowledge, last year saw Sharon Eyre AICB CB.Dip PM.Dip prevail following some tricky tie break questions with quiz master Garry Carter (CEO ICB Global) presenting the trophy to the worthy winner.
The dinner also hosts the announcement and award of 2014’s Branch of the Year. Last year saw Avon branch take the first ever Branch of the Year Award, with branch chair Mike Johnson collecting the trophy.
The branch network has expanded enormously over the past year and so competition will be high for this year’s trophy.
Throughout the evening members who have recently passed exams will be given the chance to have a certificate presentation photo taken with Garry Carter CEO of ICB Global. Simply let us know if you would like this option when booking your ticket. This is all included in the price of the member’s dinner, and you will receive a professional photo for pride of place on the mantelpiece.
The member’s dinner has limited capacity with 2013 seeing a number of members losing out on the opportunity to attend due to high demand. To avoid disappointment and to guarantee your place, book your ticket via the button below.
Dress code: As you are at the Summit
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