ICB is pleased to offer a reduction on Student Registration & Membership Fees to any person over the age of 65 or in receipt of certain benefits
- Carer's Allowance
- Illness Benefit
- Invalidity Pension
- Disability Allowance
- Blind Pension
- Injury Benefit
- Disablement Benefit
- Maternity Benefit
- State Pension
- Jobseeker's Benefit
- Jobseeker's Allowance
Students and members in receipt of one or more of the above benefits, or have reached 65 years of age, are entitled to a 25% reduction in his or her membership fee at the time of application or renewal. Photocopies (not originals) of supporting documentation should be attached to your application. Please note that examination fees, upgrade fees, Practice Licence fees and exemption fees are not subject to this reduction.
To qualify for the reduction, please forward copies (not originals) of official documentation demonstrating that you are currently in receipt of one or more of the above benefits, or a birth certificate/passport demonstrating that you are over the age of 65. Such documentation should be sent by email or post, together with your name and ICB Number where possible.
Online Shop
To receive the reduction when paying subscriptions in the online shop, please submit proof of benefits in advance by email or post.
You can register as a student online today. It's the first step towards gaining your ICB qualifications by examination.
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Students and members can update account details, book an exam, apply for a job or choose a new password all in MyICB.
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If you are an experienced bookkeeper or have comparable qualifications, you may be able to gain an exemption from ICB examinations.
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If we are unable to award exemptions based on your qualification or experience, you can take our examinations to gain membership.
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