Correct Details
Candidates must ensure their full name, postal address and email address details are correct prior to application for any examination. Candidates can check this information by logging into MyICB or by telephoning ICB on 0845 060 2345.
Candidate's Responsibilities - home-based examinations
ICB cannot be held responsible for loss of internet access, computer breakdown or any other problem arising from technical issues on the candidate's personal computer.
Candidates must ensure they have sufficient facilities to complete the assessment within the allotted time-frame before they apply. It is the candidate's responsibility to carefully check all answers before submitting their assessment.
Candidate's Responsibilities - centre-based examinations
Candidates are responsible for booking their own centre-based examinations and must ensure they comply with the Terms & Conditions and any other requirements outlined upon booking. (All centre-based examinations are booked and delivered by a third-party company called Pearson Vue.)
Once at the examination centre candidates must comply with the examination centre rules including the requirement to show sufficient ID.
> Examination Centre Rules
> ID Requirements
Qualification certificates and results slips will be issued within 28 days of a candidate's paper being received by ICB for marking.
All qualification certificates will display the full name of the candidate as it appears in the MyICB online area. If the name is not as the candidate wishes it to appear, the candidate must contact ICB on 0845 060 2345 immediately, prior to completion of the exam. If changes need to be made to the certificate following issue, the candidate will be charged a replacement certificate fee.
Lost Items
Any postal examinations submitted to ICB by post but not received, will be rendered null and void unless a certificate of posting has been retained by the candidate. In this instance the candidate will have the opportunity to retake the examination free of charge. ICB would advise that examinations and other important correspondence be sent by Recorded/Special Delivery where possible.
Postal examinations are always dispatched by 1st Class Mail on the date of your specifying and should be received within two days of this date. Contact ICB immediately if you do not receive your postal examination as requested or you may liable to pay for any future attempts.
Certificates are legal documents; if they are lost or damaged, they can be replaced for a £25.00 fee and will be marked 'Copy'. Please contact ICB on 0845 060 2345 if you require a replacement or believe your qualification certificate has been lost in the post.
Authenticity of work
Examinations must be completed by the candidate alone, and candidates are not permitted to request any help from the ICB, their tutor, or online forums. Candidates must also ensure that they do not post on online forums any questions from their question paper as this will invalidate their work and render the examination paper unnusable by future candidates.
Candidates may be required to sign an 'Own Work Declaration' to confirm that any submitted work is their own.